Tuesday, March 18, 2008

100 Days!!

In honor of reaching the 100 day milestone of my pregnancy here is fun picture I found to show how big Baby F is currently. Hooray for bigger produce! Next week she'll be about the size of a head of cauliflower.
This past weekend we went bowling with my family and I really need to upload the pictures from that adventure. I achieved my highest score ever of 134. I'll never be professional, but I have to credit my tummy for giving me a better center.
We are also leaving town for a few days. Sunny Arizona here we come! I'm so excited not to be working and enjoying warm weather. It will also be nice to spend time with A's sister and her family for Easter. Their good peeps.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Just for You

What is your husbands name? Aaron Patrick 

How long have you been together? How long did you date? We’ve been together for almost three years. I would tell my kids we didn’t date long enough…but I’ll confess that we dated 4 months.  

Who said I love you first? Aaron did and then I kicked him out of my apartment. Seriously.

Who is smarter? It’s probably a draw, so I’ll say Baby F…just to be safe.

Who does the housework? We both do.  He’s done a lot more since being pregnant occasionally knocks me off my feet.

Who sleeps on the right? I do.

Who pays the bills? I do.

Who cooks dinner? Aaron does. That is largely because I eat a limited assortment of food currently. He says it’s because, “He’s the man.”

Who drives when you are together? Aaron usually

Who is more stubborn? It’s a tie.

Who kissed who first? Aaron was quite the Casanova and kissed me on our second date. Again, not something to tell the kiddos.

Who asked out who first? Aaron asked me to see a play with him while we were setting up for an FHE.

Who proposed? Aaron did.  My ring was in a fortune cookie. We LOVE Chinese food.

Who has more siblings? I have six siblings and Aaron has five.

Who wears the pants? Literally Aaron wears them more often than I do.  However, in the terms the question really means we have a pretty Egalitarian relationship.

I tag...Janae

Friday, March 14, 2008


Well, it looks like we are having a girl.  That tricky umbilical cord decided to stop masquerading as a penis.  We're just excited to be having a healthy baby.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Can spring be sprung already?!

March is such a difficult month.  Not only do I lose an hour of sleep but the weather will not just behave.  My poor friend in Ohio is being slammed by snow!  She doesn't deserve that after so patiently waiting for spring.  In Utah the weather is currently delightful...I know that will not be the case later this week.  The only thing that keeps me going is the promise of sun and fun in 11 days!  We are going to visit family in Arizona for Easter.  Wahoo!

An update on Babywatch 2008:  We went to a 3D ultrasound place to get non-scary pictures of Baby F.  Also, our first technician was only, "75-85% sure it's  boy."  I'm not the type of person who can live with odds like those, so we were anxious to get confirmation on the gender.  Baby F, however, had other plans. Like a modest little lad/lass the ankles stayed crossed and the umbilical cord was nestled in between the legs.  

Then, when we tried to get a picture of the face, the little bugger decided to rollover and face my spine!!!  Fifteen minutes of pounding on my stomach could not provoke a change in position.  So we left disappointed that a child of ours would not want to show itself off to the world.  Never fear, we are going back on Friday and will hopefully have a more cooperative baby.