Wednesday, September 17, 2008

If I like puzzles does that make me a puzzler?

Aaron and I have gotten back to doing puzzles again. I know this sounds like an activity we should save to enjoy in our twilight years but we've got shuffleboard scheduled for then. Lump has even gotten in on the fun. Puzzles are great because not only do they keep my mind sharp, Aaron and I can still talk while we relax with one.

In other news, we've just been enjoying our baby. He's such a good boy...even with the insane amount of spit-up he produces. Currently he weighs 11 pounds and is 24 inches long. He's pretty much sleeping through the night now, which makes everyone very happy. The night before I went back to work he decided to remind of the old days and was up almost every hour starting at 2 am. Good times. Good thing he's so cute.



OK, so Aaron looks just like Dad in that picture - the way he is looking above his glasses and putting a puzzle together! So fun. Asher is a cutie. He's getting so big! I'm jealous of the sleeping through the night thing! Last night we were up from 3-5 am, and for good at 6:30. I'm pretty much a walking zombie. If I sit for any period of time, I'm bound to fall asleep!

Sandy Brunson

There is NOTHING wrong with a good puzzle! Also I loved the phrase about the twilight years and shuffle board. Nice work!

And you are more than accurate in the appraisal of your baby's cuteness. Seriously...he gets more cute every pictures I see.

The Smiths

I seriously can't get over how stinkin' cute Asher is! Goodness he's adorable! I love the little chair you have him in as he works on the puzzle.

Gotta love a good puzzle!

Mrs. Lundgreen

He is very handsome..."Lump" that is:)

Inspector Clouseau

Nice work. Loved the pictures of your child. I came across your blog while blog surfing using the “next blog” button on the Nav Bar of I am continually fascinated by the types of blogs that exist on the Internet, and the various, creative ways in which people all over the globe express themselves. Thanks for sharing.