Friday, January 29, 2010


It is official--the second semester is underway. I am in need of some help from the vast community of blogging land for an assignment that I have. I am in need of some ideas for the project. So, let me explain the project and you can post your suggestions (humorous or serious).

I have been given the assignment to create a group therapy manual from scratch. The group needs to be 8 sessions (8 weeks long) complete with agendas & activities. I have decided I want to create a life skills group for expecting adolescent fathers. As a side note, the current research is claiming that adolescents range from 12-23. So the question I propose to you is what kind of life skills do you think would be nice to address in a group like this?

Here is the list I have thought about thus far...
  • Job training (i.e., applying for work, interview skills, resume building)
  • Applying for government assistance (i.e., health care, food stamps, WIC)
  • Basic Automobile maintenance
  • Budgeting
  • GED resources


Sandy Brunson

Ewww...I like it! I good group idea. I think you will do smashingly on the project. As for suggestions, I have none. But I like the direction you are headed!


Just two I thought of:
Stress Management (i.e.,paying bills, being a father, expectations from others) Child care
I like what you have already, it seems really interesting. Let us know how it turns out. Good luck!

Amanda Morgan

I asked Steve, since he is a father and works with adolescents. His top of the head answer was financial literacy. Debt avoidance, opportunity-cost principle,educational/vocational training. He also added, "Retroactive Keep It In Your Pants Counseling".

For me, coming from more of the child development perspective, I'd definitely address some of those basic principles. Most importantly, I'd talk about crying- what it does/doesn't mean and how to deal. Abuse avoidance basically. Too many babies killed lately by overwhelmed parents who said they couldn't take the crying - I think young parents are especially at risk here. Good luck on an interesting project!