Saturday, February 13, 2010


Yesterday I found out I have endometriosis in addition to polycystic ovarian syndrome. My wonderful doctor did a laperoscopy yesterday and found that I had some adhesions from the endo that had glued one of my ovaries to my pelvic wall. I am so glad to have found the source of my pain! I'm grateful to live in a time where we have the tools to take care of these issues and allow people to continue to have children.

Recovering from surgery wasn't the way I planned on spending my long weekend, but that's life. My dad is in town right now and he and Aaron were able to give me a blessing on thursday night. I love those two men very much and can't express how they have enriched my life and made me a better person. The two of them are doing a great job keeping Ash away from my stomach. According to instructions, I'm not supposed to lift anything over 10 pounds for two weeks....which is going to prove a little tricky.



Sorry to hear. Hope you have speedy recovery and you get feeling better.
(my little sis just found out she has the same problem, except her ovary is attached to her colon. She goes in for surgery in a week and will most likely loose her ovary.).
Hang in there!!


I'm glad you are recovering, but I wish I would have known that you were going to have surgery! Let me know if there is anything that I can do to help.

Sandy Brunson

Oh Trin! I hope you are doing well. Call me if you get bored recovering. I would love to chat.

Kevin & Rhiannon

Get feeling better soon! Wish you were here to recover!

Amanda, Curtis, Ellis, Hugh, Rhys, Graham, Sylvia

Wow, Trine. I wish I were your neighbor right now. Asher and Hugh could have some serious play time while you heal.

I am glad you have a wonderful doctor. Trusting those who are caring for you and working as partners with them makes all the difference.

And hooray for good men in your life!

Love you.

Mrs. Lundgreen

OOhhh - I'm so sorry! But I'm glad they figured it out. Are you mending well then and feeling better? Hope so!

Jensen Family

Don't ya just love being a women! I am glad that you were able to get things taken care of and hope you are recovering fast! I am so glad that you were able to have your dad there with you! What a blessing the priesthood is! Feel better!