Saturday, April 23, 2011

Diet Coke, Birthdays, and Graduation

It has been quite hectic around this household. I had my last day at the Arizona State Hospital as a social work intern. On the last day of my internship, one of my patients was discharged (something I have been advocating for since I began). Also, in honor of my departure, the social work department threw a luau party. The social works even catered the event with my favorite foods: bean dip, Jo-Jo's, Diet Coke, and a veggie tray. I am excited to move on from this internship but not too excited to begin a real job search.

In other news, Trine officially turned 31 this week. This birthday was special because Trine actually gave me a wish list for gift ideas. Since we have been together, I have begged Trine to provide me a list (or an idea) for every holiday. Trine has never given me anything! So, in light of her actually giving me an idea she got almost everything on the list (it pays to give people ideas).

Finally, I am quickly approaching the end of my college career. My last day of class is May 2nd and I graduate on May 13th (that's a Friday). I am being inducted in to the Phi Alpha Honor's Society on April 26th...supposedly that is going to help me get a job (here's hoping).


Sandy Brunson

Congrats on the upcoming graduation! I am also most interested in what was on Trine's wish list.

Good luck in the job searching. Are you planning on staying in Arizona or are you looking elsewhere? If so, keep Colorado in mind! We'd love to have awesome neighbors...just sayin.