Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ode to Incompetent Ultrasound Techs

How we love planning our day around seeing the growing babe inside.
We love taking time off from work to wait in the waiting room for thirty minutes before being ushered in.
And who doesn't love cold KY Jelly all over the tum-tum?
And the tact of the technician to say, "I can't find its brain, I will be back" as the door is slamming behind her.
Oh, how we love incompetent ultrasound techs.

Who can forget the classic gender percentages for the naughty bits?
65-70% sure it's a boy at 16 weeks.
85-95% sure it's a girl..."look a textbook shot" at 25 weeks.
And at 30 weeks..."They told you it was a girl (pause) oh yeah I see it, but the clitoris is enlarged and the vagina swollen."
Enter in, the second opinion (at week 30; and the lady who needed to find the brain)...
"How could you tell them it's a girl (pause) that's a penis, no questions asked."

So which incompetent ultrasound tech is right? 
Or are they all wrong together?
You be the judge, because the one who told it about "the clitoris being enlarged and the vagina swollen" tried to lie to us "to not ruin our weekend"
I don't know about anyone else here, but I would rather have a hectic weekend while the baby is still in the oven rather than out months later.
But that's my opinion incompetent ultrasound technician.

No that is not its cranium.

But That is...welcome to earth (well almost) Finnley Patrick, or maybe he's an Abrham Joseph...only time can tell.



This post was brought to you courtesy of Aaron. Who was WAY more upset about the lying technician than I was. ;)

Strupp Family

Ah, good to know. That's really hilarious...well, because it's not me. What a roller coaster of sorts--just not up/down on the roller coaster, more side to side. I'm with Aaron, though. I'd be a little pissed (wonderful word I can type, but not use around little ears). And I really think some people are COMPLETELY incompetant. (sp?) So, good luck planning on ANYTHING. I guess your child will be in yellow and green clothes when he/she is born. Good luck with that. :)

Oh yeah, and I do want to hear all the exciting labor and delivery stories. They're so fun to hear (misery loves company).


Great to hear from you Trine'! Remember the day a long time ago that we bumped into each other at the courthouse? (is that where I go to get my registration renewed?) Anyway, I have often thought about that encounter and wondered about you and where you were. And if you were still in Utah County. Congrats on the baby! I'm very excited for you, being a parent is awesome!

I'm really glad you posted to our blog, so that I could say hi. I was hoping to see you at the PLC reunion thing a few months back. Our class one a candy bar for having the most of our year - hooray! :)

Keep in contact okay? And good luck with the pregnancy. Sorry about the crazy ultrasound. At least you know it's a baby either way. :) Also, could you ask Nollie if she likes to share her blog with old friends? I saw a comment she made on Mandy's blog and I would love to say hi to her too.

Love, Amy

The Letterman's

Holy cow, a boy? better just wait and SEE what "it" actually is?
It's coming up!!

Kate @ Our Best Bites

Hahaha, Trine! :) With my first, I was having issues at 14 weeks and so we had an ultrasound at the hospital. The tech said it was too early to tell, but if he had to guess, he'd say it was a boy. So a few weeks later, I had my "big" ultrasound and the doctor said he was 97% sure it was a girl, and he only says 97% because he never says he's 100% sure of anything. We had a girl baby shower, girl name, girl clothes. All that good stuff. Fastforward another 18 weeks when they announce that my baby is indeed a boy. At least your little bug will have a good story! :)

C Crane

Trine'! So good to hear from you! Congrats on the little one. That is so exciting. You need to post of pic of you and your hubby. Blogs are so fun to find and keep in contact with old friends. Glad you are a blogger, can't wait to read more!